论文题目 |
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联系作者 |
发表年度 |
Tomographic evidence for the subducting oceanic crust and forearc mantle serpentinization under Kyushu,Japan |
Tectonophysics |
2008 |
The 2007 Niigata earthquake:Effect of arc magma and fluids |
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors |
2008 |
Free and Forced Rossby Waves in the Western South China Sea Inferred from Jason-1 Satellite Altimetry Data |
sensors |
2008 |
Antifeedant,antibacterial,and antilarval compounds from the South China Sea seagrass Enhalus acoroides |
Botanica Marina |
2008 |
Antifouling and antibacterial compounds from the gorgonians Subergorgia suberosa and Scripearia gracillis |
Natural Product Peseatch |
2008 |
Purine and Pyrimidine Derivatives from the South China Sea Gorgonian Subergorgia suberosa |
Chem.Pharm.Bull |
2008 |
Antifouling and antibacterial compounds from a marine fungus Cladosporium sp.F14 |
World J Microbiol Biotechnol |
2008 |
Purine Alkaloids from the South China Sea Gorgonian Subergorgia suberosa |
J.Nat.Prod |
2008 |
The absolute stereochemistry of protoxylogranatin A-a new protolimonoid from the seeds of Chinese mangrove Xylocarpus granatum |
Journal of Asian Natural Products Research |
2008 |
Natural products from true mangrove flora: source,chemistry and bioactivities |
Natural Product Reports |
2008 |
Xylogranatins F-R:Antifeedants from the Chinese Mangrove, Xylocarpus granatum, A New Biogenetic Pathway to Tetranortriterpenoids |
Chem.Eur.J. |
2008 |
Numerical modeling on the relationship between thermal uplift and subsequent rapid subsidence: Discussions on the evolution of the Tannan Basin |
2008 |
Molecular cloning and immune responsive expression of a novel C-type lectin gene from bay scallop Argopecten irradians |
Fish & Shellfish Immunology |
2008 |
Ribosomal RNA gene sequence polymorphism in the same genome is common among phytopathogenic enterobacteria |
Can.J.Plant Pathol. |
2008 |
A Web-based spatial decision support system for spatial planning and governance in Guangdong Province |
Proc.of.SPIE |
2008 |
Trends and Driving Mechanism of Land-use Change in Metropolitan Areas of Pearl River Delta |
Proc.of.SPIE |
2008 |
Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis-a case of "Tandem duplication-random loss" for genome rearrangement in Crassostrea? |
BMC Genomics |
2008 |
Bioinformatic mining of EST-SSR loci in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas |
Animal Genetics |
2008 |