2023 Call for Application on "Silk Road" Scholarship for International Students

发布时间:2023-12-10  |  【打印】 【关闭


General Conditions for Applicants

International students enrolled in 2018 and 2022, from the countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (the Belt and Road), who are law-abiding, excellent in both morality and academics, have accomplished outstanding achievements in scientific research and technological innovation, can apply for this scholarship.

Bonus and Quota Allocation

1. The first-class scholarship is worth 3,000 RMB/person, quota 3: including 1 from LTO, 1 from LMB, and 1 from OMG.

2. The second-class scholarship is worth 1,500 RMB/person, quota 6: including 2 from LTO, 2 from LMB, and 2 from OMG.

Review Process

1. The applicants should submit the application materials for the “Silk Road” Scholarship to the laboratory secretary;

2. Each key laboratory organizes a preliminary review and submits the list of candidates;

3. The “Silk Road” Scholarship Committee of the South China Sea Institute of Oceanography performs the final review.

Application Materials

1. Electronic Materials (PDF): The “Silk Road” Scholarship for International Students Application Form of SCSIO, CAS;

2. Electronic Materials (Excel): International Student Information Form;

3. Electronic supporting Materials (PDF):

1) The copy of Transcript issued by UCAS College/CAS Institute;

2) Photocopies of the cover of the journal containing the published article, and the article homepage or the receipt of the article during study at UCAS;

3) Photocopies of Certificates of Honor;

4) Other supporting materials.


1)The supporting materials must be achieved during the academic year 2023.1-2023.12.

2) Scientific research article or result should relate to your research direction and defense thesis/dissertation;

3) The first name of the article must be South China Sea Institute of Oceanology CAS, and with the name of UCAS;

4) Give the first page of your article, the cover of the journal; or the receipt of the article with the signature of your supervisor.


Application deadline and other problems, please contact the laboratory secretary:

LTO: (lto@scsio.ac.cn, 89025313)

LMB: (xiewy@scsio.ac.cn, 89023101)

OMG: (liujiuling@scsio.ac.cn, 89101710)


The Department of Graduate Student Education, SCSIO

YANG Min (minyang@scsio.ac.cn, 89449312)



1.Application Form for The Silk Road Fellowship of SCSIO

2.International Student Information Form

3.Name List