2024 Application for Excellent International Students of UCAS

发布时间:2024-05-23  |  【打印】 【关闭

Here is the notice for applying the EXCELLENT INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS OF UCAS:

1. The basic conditions are as follows:

1) Be physically and mentally healthy, friendly to China, and motivated;

2) Excellent academic performance, strong learning and scientific research ability and development potential;

3) Care and love the collective, actively participate in cultural and sports activities or social practice activities, and those with outstanding deeds are preferred;

4) No violations of laws and regulations (including but not limited to the use of illegal electrical appliances in student apartments, illegal accommodation, failure to complete temporary accommodation registration procedures, and leaving school without leave application, do not implement the administrative arrangements of the institute and so on).

2. Application

1) EXCELLENT INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: for students that enrolled before 2022 (included), recommended candidates 2;

2) EXCELLENT INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE: For students who graduate in 2024 (January, June), recommended candidates 2.

(Attention: students who graduate in 2024 can only apply the second one.)

3. Award

One-time reward 2000, and honorary certificate.

4. Required Materials


2) Photocopy of Transcript issued by UCAS College/ Institute (Paper and PDF);

3) Photocopies of the Title Pages and Abstracts of Papers Published When You Study at UCAS (Please DO NOT submit any unpublished papers, unpublished conference papers, and papers published before you came to UCAS. Research achievements and papers published during the study period should be signed by UCAS and the institute at the same time) (Paper and PDF);

4) Photocopies of Certificates of Honor (Please DO NOT submit any certificates that you attained before you came to UCAS) (Paper and PDF);

5) Information Table of Excellent international students/international graduates from the UCAS ( Attachment 2) (excel).

5. Application Deadline

Send the soft materials (word and excel) to minyang@scsio.ac.cn, and hand in paper materials to 1#807 before17:00 pm,24th, May, 2024.


附件2 2024年优秀来华留学生信息汇总表-English.xlsxInformation Table of Excellent international students /international graduates from the university of Chinese academy of sciences