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2016.10-2017.08:香港科技大学,Research Associate
1. 我国近海典型海域浮游生态系统演变、临界点与重构,国家重点研发项目,2022.12-2025.11,子任务(主持)。
2. 南海海马冷泉区上层海洋基础生产与深海食物网结构关系的研究,中国科学院南海海洋研究所基础前沿与创新发展项目,202210-202510,主持。
3. 微微型浮游植物对近海环境变化的响应与生态效应--聚球藻为例,中科院海洋大科学中心重点部署项目,2021.3-2024.3,子任务(主持)。
4. 升温对于南海北部浮游细菌群落结构、生态功能及下行调控过程的影响,国家自然科学基金委员会(面上项目),202001-202312,主持。
5. 聚球藻在珠江口的分布特征及生态位差异机理研究,国家自然科学基金委员会(青年科学基金),202001-202212,主持。
6. 严格海洋型和广盐型聚球藻盐度适应能力差异的机理研究,广东省自然科学基金(面上项目),201910-202209,主持。
7. 中国科学人才计划, 中国科学院,201803-202303, 主持。



(1)Gong, S., Li ,G., Liang, J., Xu, L., Tan, Y., Jin, X., Xia, X.*, & Yu, K*. Day-night cycle as a key environmental factor affecting coral-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 146: 109890.

(2)Xia, X.*, Liao, Y., Liu, J., Liu, HB*. Genomic and Transcriptomic Insights into Salinity Tolerance-Based Niche Differentiation of Synechococcus Clades in Estuarine and Coastal Waters. mSystems, 2023: e01106-22. 

(3)Shuwen Zhang*, Hongbin Liu, Xia, X*. Community Dynamics of Free-Living and Particle-Attached Bacteria over Sequential Blooms of Heterotrophic Dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans and Mixotrophic Ciliate Mesodinium rubrum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2022, e01323-22. 

(4)Ma, X., Johnson, K. B., Gu, B., Zhang, H., Li, G., Huang, X., & Xia, X*. The in-situ release of algal bloom populations and the role of prokaryotic communities in their establishment and growth. Water Research. 2022, 118565.

(5)Gu, B., Liu, J., Cheung, S., Ho, N. H. E., Tan, Y., & Xia, X*. Insights into Prokaryotic Community and Its Potential Functions in Nitrogen Metabolism in the Bay of Bengal, a Pronounced Oxygen Minimum Zone. 2022. Microbiology Spectrum, e00892-21. 

(6)Hao Zhang*, Bowei Gu, Youping Zhou, Xiao Ma, Tianqi Liu, Hong-Kai Xu, Zhang-Xian Xie, Kailin Liu, Dazhi Wang, & Xia, X*. Multi-omics profiling reveals resource allocation and acclimation strategies to temperature changes in a marine dinoflagellate. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2022,aem.01213-22. 

(7)Xia, X.# *, Zheng, Q.#, Leung, S. K., Wang, Y., Lee, P. Y., Jing, H., ... & Liu, H*. Distinct metabolic strategies of the dominant heterotrophic bacterial groups associated with marine Synechococcus. Science of the Total Environment. 2021,798, 149208. 

(8)Xia, X., Lee, P., Cheung, S., Lu, Y., & Liu, H*, Discovery of euryhaline phycoerythrobilin-containing Synechococcus and Its mechanisms for adaptation to estuarine environments.. mSystems. 2020, 5(6), e00842-20.)

(9)Gu, B., Lee, C., Ma, X., Tan, Y., Liu, H., & Xia, X*. Effect of warming on growth, grazing, and community composition of free-living bacterioplankton in subtropical coastal waters during winter and summer.. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020, 11, 534404.

(10)Xia, X.*, Sze Ki Leung, Shunyan Cheung, Shuwen Zhang, Hongbin Liu*, Rare bacteria in seawater are dominant in the bacterial assemblage associated with the bloom-forming dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans, Science of The Total Environment,2020,711:135107.

