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研究指出ENSO影响我国南方降水具有不稳定性,而且不同强度的ENSO对中国南方冬春季降水的强度和分布型的影响不同。尽管在近几十年发生的超强El Ni?o在峰值位相强度相当,但是1990s末前后的超强El Ni?o衰减速度不同,相应的印度洋和大西洋海温对其响应也明显不同,从而造成在1990s末前后的超强El Ni?o衰减年夏季南海-西太平洋环流和中国南方降水的变化有明显差异。
2005/09-2009/08 中山大学环境科学与工程学院,大气科学,学士
2009/09-2014/08 中山大学环境科学与工程学院,气象学,博士
2012/04-2012/04  Chinese University of Hong Kong, visitor
2012/08-2012/10  APEC climate center, visiting scientist
2017/03-2017/05  City University of Hong Kong, senior research associate
2014/07-2017/12  中国科学院南海海洋研究所, 助理研究员
2018/09-2019/09  University of California Irvine, visitor
2018/01-至今    中国科学院南海海洋研究所,副研究员
1. 冬季北太平洋副热带西部海温对El Ni?o的响应和反馈机理,国家自然科学基金项目,2023年1月-2026年12月,主持
2. 北极-热带关联的多时空特征,国家重点研发计划“地球系统与全球变化”重点专项“北极海-冰-气系统与热带海-气系统的相互作用及其与全球变暖的联系”第一课题,2022年12月-2027年11月,参与(骨干)
2. 代表性论文(第一作者或通讯作者,5篇):
[1] Chen JP, Yu J-Y, Chen S*, Wang X*, Xiao, ZN, Fang S-W (2022) Tropical and subtropical Pacific sources of the asymmetric El Ni?o-La Ni?a decay and their future changes. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL097751.
[2] Chen S, Chen JP*, Wang X, He ZQ, Xiao ZN (2022) Role of Pacific preconditioning in modulating the relationship between the spring North Tropical Atlantic SST and the ensuing El Ni?o. Ocean Modelling, 180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2022.102128.   
[3] Chen JP, Yu J-Y, Wang X*, Lian T (2020) Different influences of southeastern Indian Ocean and western Indian Ocean SST anomalies on eastern China rainfall during the decaying summer of 2015/16 extreme El Ni?o. J Climate, 33, 5427-5443, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0777.1
[4] Chen JP, Wang X*, Zhou W, Wang CZ, Xie Q, Li G, Chen S (2018) Unusual Rainfall in Southern China in decaying August during Extreme El Ni?o 2015/16: Role of the Western Indian Ocean and North Tropical Atlantic SST. J Climate, 31, 7019-7034
[5] Chen JP, Wang X*, Zhou W, Wen ZP (2018) Interdecadal change in the summer SST-precipitation relationship around the late 1990s over the South China Sea. Clim Dyn, 51, 2229-2246
[6] Li G, Chen JP*, Wang X and Tan YK (2018) Influence of the South Pacific decadal variability on Southeast China rainfall during boreal autumn. Int J Climatol, 38: e209-e223.
[7] Chen JP, Wen ZP*, Wu RG, Wang X, He C, and Chen ZS (2017) An interdecadal change in the intensity of interannual variability in summer rainfall over southern china around early 1990s. Clim Dyn, 48, 191-207. 
[8] Chen JP, Wen ZP*, Wu RG, Chen ZS, and Zhao P (2015) Influences of northward propagating 25–90-day and quasi-biweekly oscillations on eastern China summer rainfall. Clim Dyn, 45:105-124.
[9] Chen JP, Wen ZP*, Wu RG, Chen ZS, and Zhao P (2014) Interdecadal Changes in the Relationship between Southern China Winter-spring Precipitation and ENSO. Clim Dyn, 43(5):1327-1338.
[10] Chen JP, Wu RG*, and Wen ZP (2012) Contribution of South China Sea tropical cyclones to an increase in southern China summer rainfall around 1993. Adv Atmos Sci, 29(3):585–598. 
曾担任Journal of Climate,Climate Dynamics和International Journal of Climatology等期刊审稿人。