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2. “一带一路”自然灾害风险与综合减灾国际研究计划课题,中国科学院对外合作重点项目,2016.7-2021.6,主持
3. 斯里兰卡马塔拉沿海地区环境数据采集及分析,企业委托,2021年12月-2023年12月,主持
1. 热带大洋海气相互作用机理和气候效应, 广东省科技厅,2019年9月-2022年8月
2. 热带印度洋观测示范分系统研制,国家重点研发计划课题,2016年9月-2022年12月
3. 印度洋-第三极海陆气相互作用与航线环境安全,先导专项A课题,2018年3月-2023年2月
4. 东印度洋海洋技术应用推广试验区建设,国家重点研发课题,2017年7月-2022年12月
[1] YaoLuo, ChengZhang, JunliangLiu, HuanlinXing, FenghuaZhou, DongxiaoWang, XiaominLong, ShenganWang, FengyanShi. Identifying ship-wakes in a shallow estuary using machine learning [J], Ocean Engineering 246 (2022) 110456. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.110456
[2] Yao Luo, Hui Shi, and Weiqiang Wang "Response of extreme significant wave height to climate change in the South China Sea and northern Indian Ocean," Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 24(3), 103-110, (2022). https://doi.org/10.14321/aehm.024.03.12
[3] Y. Luo & L. S. Zhu (2019) Investigation of trends in extreme significant wave heights in the South China Sea, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 22:1, 53-64, DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2018.1467194.
[4] Fu C, Wang D, Yang L, Yao Luo, et al. The relationship between significant wave height and Indian Ocean Dipole in the equatorial North Indian Ocean [J]. Ocean Dynamics, 2018, 68(6):1-11.
[5] 傅晨, 罗耀, 杨磊, 王东晓, & 周峰华. (2018). 北印度洋-南海季风区热带海洋极端波候变化特征. 南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)(3).
[6] Luo Y., Wang, D.*, Gamage, T. P., Zhou, F., Widanage, C. M., and Liu, T.: Wind and wave dataset for Matara, Sri Lanka, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 131-138, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-10-131-2018, 2018. (IF=8.792)
[7] Luo Y., Wang D X, Gang P, et al. China-Sri Lanka Joint Center for Education and Research for the21st Century Maritime Silk Road[J]. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2017, 10(5):354-357
[8] 陈玲舫, 韩树宗, 车志伟, 罗耀, & 谢强. (2017). 琼州海峡海口站近岸风暴增水概率风险分析. 海洋工程, 35(002), 115-122.
[9] LuoY., Zhu Liangsheng, Hu Jinpeng. A new method for determining threshold in using PGCEVD to calculate return values of typhoon wave height [J]. China Ocean Eng., 2012, 26(2):251?260. (SCI, IF=0.621)
[10] LuoY., ZHU Liangsheng. A New Model of Peaks over Threshold for Multivariate Extremes [J]. China Ocean Eng., 2014, 28(6):761~776. (SCI , IF=0.621)
Scientific Reports,Journal of Ocean University of China和Applied Ocean Research等期刊审稿人。