1.近五年发表文章_5 篇。
2. 代表性论文(第一作者或通讯作者,5篇):
1)Zhou, P., Xia, S.*, Hetényi, G., Monteiller, V., Chevrot, S. and Sun, J.*, 2020. Seismic imaging of a mid-crustal low-velocity layer beneath the northern coast of the South China Sea and its tectonic implications. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 308.
2)Tang, Q., Gulick, S.P.S., Sun, J.*, Sun, L. and Jing, Z., 2020. Submesoscale Features and Turbulent Mixing of an Oblique Anticyclonic Eddy in the Gulf of Alaska Investigated by Marine Seismic Survey Data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(1).
3)Li, W.*, Alves, T.M., Rebesco, M., Sun, J.*, Li, J., Li, S. and Wu, S., 2020. The Baiyun Slide Complex, South China Sea: A modern example of slope instability controlling submarine-channel incision on continental slopes. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 114.
4)姜莲婷, 孙杰*, 胡立天*, 詹文欢, 唐琴琴和李健, 2019. 南海IODP 349航次U1434站位海相红层成因——来自漫反射光谱与X荧光光谱的制约. 光谱学与光谱分析, 39(04): 1294-1300.
5)詹文欢,姚衍桃,孙杰.南海古洋脊扩张与俯冲, 科学出版社, 2020