1.近五年发表文章_2_篇、授权专利_2件,专著 1 种,编制国家标准1项。
1)ZHANG YY, LAURENCE, et al. An outbreak of sea cucumbers hindered coral recruitment[J]. Coral Reefs. 2018,37(2):321-326,III区,影响因子3.095
2)ZHANG YY, HUANG, et al. The effects of four transplantation methods on five coral species at the Sanya Bay[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2016, 35(10):88-95. IV区,影响因子0.63
3)ZHANG YY, HUANG H and HUANG JY (2014). A sea cucumber outbreak on a degraded coral reef in Sanya, China [J]. Coral Reefs 33(4): 1077-1077. III区,影响因子3.62
4)张浴阳,黄晖,黄洁英,等.西沙群岛珊瑚幼体培育实验[J].海洋开发与管理,2013, 30(s1):78-82.