

1.报告题目:Poroelasticity with Geomechanical and Geophysical Applications

报告人:Alexander Cheng

报告人简介:Alexander Cheng is Emeritus (retired) Dean of Engineering and Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Mississippi. He taught at Cornell University,Columbia University,and University of Delaware,prior to joining the University of Mississippi. He obtained his Ph.D. from Cornell University,M.S. from University of Missouri,and B.S. from National Taiwan University.

His research covers groundwater flow and transport,saltwater intrusion,boundary element method,method of fundamental solutions,radial basis function,poromechanics,and nanomechanics. He authored six books,including Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport,Springer (2010),and Poroelasticity,Springer (2016). He also edited four books and published more than 180 refereed journal articles.

He previously served as President of Engineering Mechanics Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and Vice President of Academic Affairs, American Institute of Hydrology. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (Elsevier) and was Associate Editor of four other journals. He was the recipient of the George Green Medal (WIT), the Maurice A. Biot Medal (ASCE), the Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize (ASCE), and the Basic Research Award (U.S. National Committee for Rock Mechanics).

报告摘要:This talk gives an overview of the theory of poroelasticity with applications in geomechanics and geophysics. The porous solid can be elastic or viscoelastic, the pore fluid can be saturated or unsaturated, the force equilibrium can be static or dynamic, and the mechanically coupled transport phenomena can include hydraulic, thermal, and chemical fluxes. Geomechanical and geophysical phenomena such as soil consolidation, land subsidence, liquefaction, partial saturation and slope stability, delayed borehole failure, in-situ stress measurement by borehole breakdown pressure, pore pressure effect in anelastic strain recovery, coal mine stability and coal cavitation, earthquake aftershock, waste water injection, fracking, and reservoir impoundment induced seismicity, negative temperature anomaly in coseismic event, heat induced pore pressure spalling, water wave interaction with seabed, dissipative and frequency dependent poroelastic waves, ocean acoustic wave interaction with shallow seabed, swelling and osmotic pressure, seismoelectric and seismoelectromagnetic effects, will be briefly discussed.



报告人简介:梁修雨博士,南方科技大学副研究员,博士生导师,地下水动力学课题组PI。主要从事地下水资源与环境方向的研究工作,重点关注界面水动力过程,具体包括,饱和-非饱和水流耦合模拟、地表-地下水交互作用、地下水流及溶质的时间尺度性等。在水资源及环境领域权威期刊Water Resources Research,Environmental Science & Technology,Water Research等上发表SCI论文60余篇。主持包括国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发项目专题等8项科研项目。担任广东省土壤与地下水污染防控及修复重点实验室副主任、中国水利学会地下水专委会委员、中国自然资源学会专委会委员、国际水文科学协会中国地下水分委会委员。分别担任国际学术期刊Vadose Zone Journal和SERRA副主编、中文核心期刊《地质科技通报》首届青年编委。


