2025年3月27日 星期四
姓  名: 王淑红
职  务:
职  称: 研究员
学  历: 博士
电  话: 020- 89102510
电子邮件: wshds@scsio.ac.cn






2006年,中国石油和化学工业协会科学技术奖二等奖(第六完成人); 2006年,广东省科学技术奖三等奖(第五完成人); 2012年,34届世界地质大会青年科学家奖(34th IGC Hutchison Young Scientist Award),得到会议全额资助。


1. Wang SH, Li J, Wu SZ, Yan W, Huang WX, Miao L, Chen Z, 2016. The distribution characteristics of rare metal elements in surface sediments from four coastal bays on the northwestern South China Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 169, 106-118. 2. He JX, Wang SH*, Zhang W, Yan W, Lu ZQ, 2016. Characteristics of mud diapirs and mud volcanoes and their relationship to oil and gas migration and accumulation in a marginal basin of the northern South China Sea. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(15),1-12. 3. Li G, Yan W, Zhong LF, Xia Z, Wang SH*, 2015. Provenance of heavy mineral deposits on the northwestern shelf of the South China Sea, evidence from single-mineral chemistry. Marine Geology 363, 112-124. 4. Wang SH, Magalh?es VH,Pinheiro LM, Yan W, 2015. Tracing the composition, fluid source and formation conditions of the methane-derived authigenic carbonates in the Gulf of Cadiz with rare earth elements and stable isotopes. Marine and Petroleum Geology 68, 192-205. 5. Wang SH, Wu SZ, Yan W, Huang WX, Miao L, Lu J, Chen Z, Liu FW, 2015. Rare metal elements in surface sediment from five bays on the northeastern coast of the South China Sea. Environmental Earth Sciences 74, 4961-4971. 6. Chen H, Wang SH*, Chen Z, Yan W, Li G, 2015. Geochemical and magnetic signals for the mud volcano-induced methane seepage in the core sediments of Shenhu area, northern South China Sea. Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 6365-6378. 7. Wang SH, Zhang N, Chen H, Li L, Yan W, 2014. The surface sediment types and their rare earth element characteristics from the continental shelf of the northern South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 88, 185-202. 8. Wang SH, Yan W, Chen Z, Zhang N, Chen H, 2014. Rare earth elements in cold seep carbonates from the southwestern Dongsha area, northern South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 57, 482-493. 9. Wang SH, YAN W, Magalh?es VH, CHEN Z, Pinheiro LM, Gussone N, 2014. Factors influencing methane-derived authigenic carbonate formation at cold seep from southwestern Dongsha area in the northern South China Sea. Environmental Earth Sciences 71(5):2087-2094. 10. Wang SH, YAN W, Magalh?es HV, CHEN Z, Pinheiro ML, Gussone N, 2012. Calcium isotope fractionation and its controlling factors of authigenic carbonates in the cold seeps from the Northern South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin 57(11): 1325-1332.

